A Twisted Illusion
In a world full of deep fakes of all kinds, it’s refreshing to see and experience authenticity. If we pay careful attention, we can recognize “the fake”. Whether it’s intentions,…
It's about time............
In a world full of deep fakes of all kinds, it’s refreshing to see and experience authenticity. If we pay careful attention, we can recognize “the fake”. Whether it’s intentions,…
Have you thought much about our true nature and what is compatible with our design? Could we better equip ourselves by understanding it and practicing the things that make us…
Good afternoon……it’s another day and another chance to experience the pulse of life! We’re approaching a time of change and a time of great exchange. It’s an exchange of deception…
I look across the vast landscape of humanity and realize we have lost our way. I see an epidemic of loneliness and disconnection on such a deep level. True connection…
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but things have gotten a little wacky and we’ve slipped into a time where it’s become quite weird! The deceptive narratives and senseless thinking…