In a world full of deep fakes of all kinds, it’s refreshing to see and experience authenticity. If we pay careful attention, we can recognize “the fake”. Whether it’s intentions, fraud, self-imposed delusions or deceptive masks, we’re swimming in a sea full of it and its concerning. People buy into lies in twisted ways because it’s easier than swallowing the truth.
One of the “false narratives” right now is to embrace being overweight because changing unhealthy habits is hard to address and someone may get offended, which is another twist in itself. (((It was hard for me to just type that last sentence because it))). But instead, they glorify the results of ignoring the facts about health and wellness. No one is asking why there’s so much obesity because everyone is afraid to talk about it. We don’t want to be accused of “body shaming,” “intolerance” or “not being kind.” But it’s obvious and only going to hurt the generations to come if it’s not addressed properly now. It has become a national epidemic in both adults and children with looming health problems.
We all come in different shapes and sizes; that’s a beautiful thing. Some people are lean and small framed while others are larger framed and carry a little more weight naturally. Both of those are healthy norms and we should embrace our personal body type and not compare ourselves with others. So please hear me correctly, I’m speaking about underlying issues. Nearly 70% of adults in the U.S. are either overweight or obese. According to nationwide surveys the National Institutes of Health has conducted since the early 1960s, United States obesity rates have tripled over the last 60 years. Severe obesity has risen tenfold.
Something is clearly not right. Let’s hold the food industry accountable for profiting from things they know adversely affect us and cause addictions. Let’s talk openly about why people turn to food addiction. Let’s speak of healthy eating habits, proper nutrition and what an actual healthy body image is. What would happen if we addressed the health issues surrounding this subject and found the root causes instead of ignoring the evidence? Would this be too sensible and could this help us, instead of hurting us in the long run?
Another is the push of gender identity crisis onto children. This transgender agenda seems distraught with problems and is hugely concerning. It goes even further by blurring the lines of what makes a man, a man and a woman, a woman while ignoring safety and fairness in women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, sports and so forth, at the expense of the majority. Since when does a minority get to totally rearrange life for everyone else??? This just seems wrong, and we shouldn’t be afraid to say it, especially when larger issues are involved, like protecting women and children. If we can’t stand up for truth, what can we stand for? If the voices of reason are snuffed out, who is left to determine our future? These are things worth our consideration and concern.
But wherever there’s an issue, the proliferation of extremes gets louder instead of concentrating on the middle ground of common sense these days. It’s become quite the agitation for many people preferring the quieter and more sensible lane. I don’t believe twisting the truth or forcing anyone to pretend with someone else’s perceptions. Most people want to live with clarity and in reality. This means the majority won’t “pretend” the teenager down the street is a cat, just because they say so. They also will not be okay with a fully functioning man using the women’s locker room because they “believe they are a woman”. Just because someone believes something, doesn’t make it reality or the truth. Most of us know “that feeling” when we encounter the extremes and our intuitive common-sense kicks in. This is a natural inner compass, designed to keep us sane and centered. If something feels “off” in our gut, it probably is.
This is the difference between sanity and insanity. A line in the sand is sometimes a necessary action in order to preserve the next generation from destroying itself by accepting a twisted illusion. It’s time for common-sense to take center stage once again and not allow the fake to change the reality of what’s truly real……