I don’t know if you’ve noticed but things have gotten a little wacky and we’ve slipped into a time where it’s become quite weird! The deceptive narratives and senseless thinking have blurred so many lines that were once clearly marked. If you’re like me, you’re feeling the strong impulse to squelch the madness and mark a clear line back in the sand.
There’s been a silent majority who are too considerate to rock the boat. A people who quietly go about their lives and politely nod at the changing scene but are inwardly disturbed by the loud clammer of a minority who somehow got the microphone and ran with it. They’re a respectful people who want no harm……just a good and sensible conversation about how life really works, and our numbers are swelling.
I’m just going to say it. All of this is crazy and it’s certainly not normal! It’s systematically tearing away at the beautiful fabric of our culture and communities. We have been overrun by the screams of senseless voices, and it needs to STOP……Now!
I wanted to have a place to freely voice the common concerns of sensible minds and explore the many areas where we find ourselves needing a good word about how to mentally navigate the mine field of nonsense. I invite you to join me in finding our way back to common sense ideals and to normalize normal once again. Life is too short to remain silent and allow the clanging noise to ruin our peace and the GOOD that comes from the kindness of those who seek the common good for all! I hope we can find the movement of a call to become and be what this world needs, in order to heal.
I’m ready for some common sense once again……are you???
Yes! Let’s hear your voice. We need the reminder with gentle consideration back to truth and wholeness.